Last.fm Scrobbler Android Winamp

Find winamp tracks, artists, and albums. Find the latest in winamp music at Last.fm. Last.fm “scrobbles” tracks so that people can see their musical history, and one of the supported programs for the scrobbling program is Winamp. The sound clip featuring Llama whipping was. The Last.fm Desktop Scrobbler for Windows is a simple app that runs in the background and automatically updates your profile with what you’ve been playing on your computer via native media players such as Windows Media Player or iTunes. Download now for Windows Compatible with Windows 7, Windows 8, and Windows 10. Last.fm is an innovative community of music fans who thanks to this client and their usual music player, share their likes about music all around the world. The base of this system is ’Scrobbling’. When you listen to an audio file using your usual audio player (Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes, etc.), the name is sent to a server. Last.fm Scrobbler is a handy and intuitive Last.fm client designed to help you manage your music easily. It includes plugins for Winamp, Windows Media Player, iTunes and foobar2000.

Last Fm Winamp Scrobbler

Winamp Last Fm Plugin
The problem is that sometimes it scrobbles the wrong title or artist. In my own personal experience, this happens for about 1 in 20 plays, but others have reported higher frequencies of scrobbling tracks incorrectly. In my personal experience it nearly always has the correct artist and the wrong title, but on one occasion it had the artist wrong (here also, there have been others who reported a much higher frequency of getting the artist wrong). Here's what we know so far:
1. The problem only seems to occur with Winamp, not with other players, so it's almost certainly a problem with either Winamp itself or the third party plugin for Winamp. It's unclear whether the error is occurring in the plugin or in Winamp's own API.
2. The incorrect title (or artist) is always from another track that is currently visible in the playlist pane of Winamp.
3. If I catch it happening in real time and stop the track, then restart it, it usually gets the track info correct (pausing doesn't work; I have to stop, then play).
As one of those who likes to keep my last.fm listening history clean and correct, it's quite frustrating to have to keep one eye on Winamp and the last.fm plugin to make sure it's got the track info correct (and sometimes I don't catch it right away, so then have to get on the website to delete the incorrect scrobbles and decide whether I feel like replaying the track to get it scrobbled correctly). It would be so much nicer if I could play music for hours and hours without having to babysit it, and know for certain that it's scrobbling exactly what I played.