
Join Stack Overflow to learn, share knowledge, and build your career. Heroku, San Francisco, California. 80,169 likes 41 talking about this 918 were here. Heroku provides services and tools to build, run and scale beautiful mobile and web applications. You can manually edit table and column metadata in Metabase at any time from the Data Model tab in the Admin Panel. By default, Metabase also performs a more intensive daily sampling of each field’s values and caches the distinct values in order to make checkbox and select filters work in dashboards and SQL/native questions. Heroku Postgres delivers the world’s most advanced open source database as a trusted, secure, and scalable service that is optimized for developers. Developers can build engaging, data-driven apps while relying on Heroku’s expertise and fully managed platform to build, operate, secure, and validate compliance for their data stack. The final piece of our system is the ability to use SQL to query and visualize data in Redshift; for this we can use Metabase, a free open-source product analytics tool that you can deploy to Heroku using Metabase's Heroku Button. Once deployed, you'll need to configure Metabase with the RedShift cluster URL, database name, username, and password.

Heroku is a great place to evaluate Metabase and take it for a quick spin with just a click of a button and a couple minutes of waiting time. If you decide to keep your Metabase running long term we recommend some upgrades as noted below to avoid limitations of the Heroku free tier.

Launching Metabase

Heroku Metabase

Before doing anything you should make sure you have a Heroku account that you can access.

Metabase heroku update

If you've got a Heroku account then all there is to do is follow this one-click deployment button Free download mac os mojave download dmg.

This will launch a Heroku deployment using a GitHub repository that Metabase maintains. Best free ocr app for mac.

It should only take a few minutes for Metabase to start. You can check on the progress by viewing the logs at https://dashboard.heroku.com/apps/YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME/logs or using the Heroku command line tool with the heroku logs -t -a YOUR_APPLICATION_NAME command.

Upgrading beyond the Free tier

Heroku is very kind and offers a free tier to be used for very small/non-critical workloads which is great if you just want to evaluate Metabase and see what it looks like. If you like what you see and decide to use Metabase as an ongoing part of your analytics workflow we recommend these upgrades which are quite affordable and will allow you to fully utilize all of Metabase's capabilities without running into annoying limitations.

  1. Upgrade your dyno to the Hobby tier or one of the professional Standard 1x/2x dynos. The most important reason for this is that your dyno will never sleep and that allows Metabase to run all of its background work such as sending Pulses, syncing metadata, etc, in a reliable fashion.

  2. Upgrade your Postgres database to the Basic package or for more peace of mind go for the Standard 0 package. The primary reason for this upgrade is to get more than the minimum number of database rows offered in the free tier (10k), which we've had some users exhaust within a week. You'll also get better overall performance along with backups, which we think is worth it.

Known Limitations

  • Heroku’s 30 second timeouts on all web requests can cause a few issues if you happen to have longer running database queries. Most people don’t run into this but be aware that it’s possible.
  • When using the free tier, if you don’t access the application for a while Heroku will sleep your Metabase environment. This prevents things like Pulses and Metabase background tasks from running when scheduled and at times makes the app appear to be slow when really it's just Heroku reloading your app. You can resolve this by upgrading to the hobby tier or higher.
  • Sometimes Metabase may run out of memory and you will see messages like Error R14 (Memory quota exceeded) in the Heroku logs. If this happens regularly we recommend upgrading to the standard-2x tier dyno.

Now that you’ve installed Metabase, it’s time to set it up and connect it to your database.


  • If your Metabase instance is getting stuck part way through the initialization process and only every shows roughly 30% completion on the loading progress.
    • The most likely culprit here is a stale database migrations lock that was not cleared. This can happen if for some reason Heroku kills your Metabase dyno at the wrong time during startup. To fix it: you can either clear the lock using the built-in release-locks command line function, or if needed you can login to your Metabase application database directly and delete the row in the DATABASECHANGELOGLOCK table. Then just restart Metabase.

Upgrading to the next version of Metabase is a simple process where you will grab the latest version of metabase-deploy and push it to Heroku.

Mac 575 spiot manual. Here's each step:

  • Clone the latest version to your local machine:
  • Add a git remote with your metabase setup:

Metabase Heroku Update

  • If you are upgrading from a version that is lower than 0.25, add the Metabase buildpack to your Heroku app:
  • Force push the new version to Heroku:

Deploy Heroku Metabase

  • Wait for the deploy to finish

  • If there have been no new changes to the metabase-deploy repository, you will need to add an empty commit. This triggers Heroku to re-deploy the code, fetching the newest version of Metabase in the process.