I recently had someone ask a question on our blog about how to add a section after the endnotes at the end of their Word document. Free preactivated windows 10 download. When you tell Word to place the endnotes at the end of the document, it really means the end and will not allow you to add anything else after the endnotes.
(Watch the video version of this article above)The range before which you want to insert the section break. If this argument is omitted, the section break is inserted at the end of the document. Start: Optional: Variant: The type of section break you want to add. Can be one of the WdSectionStart constants. If this argument is omitted, a Next Page section. Add a section break Place the pointer where you want to start a new section. Select Layout Breaks. Select the type of section break you want.
To get around this, you will need to do the following:
- Go to Insert Break, then choose the specific type of page break or section break you want to insert. The image above shows how to insert section break in Word. Or, click on the Layout tab. Then click on the Breaks button on the ribbon and select the type of page or section break you wish to insert.
- Click the Watermark button in the Page Background group. Select Custom Watermark (at the bottom of the shortcut menu). Select the Text watermark option. Change the Text field to DRAFT.
- Right click on one of your endnotes and select Note Options.
- Change your endnotes to appear at the End of section.
This will change all of your endnotes to now appear at the end of each section, not at the end of the book. I know this is not what you want—stick with me! Simple design update doubles sales: the bikeseat.com story.
- Next, create a new section at the end of your document where you want your endnotes to appear.
- Select all sections that appear before this new section. If you are having trouble highlighting your sections to select them all at once, you can go into each of your sections one at a time and do the next step.
- In your Page Setup options, go to the Layout
- Check the box that says Suppress endnotes and click OK.
Place the cursor in the spot where you want to add a line. Click on Home (located in the upper left-hand corner). Look in the Paragraph section and click the down arrow next to the Borders button. Click on Horizontal Line.
This tells Word not to show the endnotes at the end of each section selected but to push them forward until the next section that does not have them suppressed. Now you will have the endnotes appearing in the new section you created just for them and can add new sections and pages following the new endnote section.
I hope this helps! Stay tuned for more Word tips and tricks on ourblogand in ournewsletter.
Documents that must be noticed by the Bankruptcy Noticing Center (BNC) must adhere to the guidelines set by the BNC or the notice will fail to be generated. The guidelines are defined in the document titled 'Creating PDF Documents for CM/ECF' that is posted on our web site under the Electronic Case Filing menu. The document includes a list of fonts that are acceptable to the BNC. These rules also govern special symbols used within documents.
Creating the 'Section' Symbol (§) in WordPerfect Documents
Big data analytics for small business. To create the 'section' symbol (§) in WordPerfect documents that adhere to the BNC guidelines, follow these steps:
- Create your document with one of the acceptable fonts as defined in the document referenced above titled 'Creating PDF Documents for CM/ECF'.
- Place your cursor where you want the 'section' symbol (§) to display.
- Click on the menu option Insert.
- On the drop-down menu, click on the menu option Symbol.
- In the Set section of the Symbol screen choose the Typographic Symbols and a list of symbols will display.
- Click on the 'section' symbol (§), then click on Insert and Close.
Creating the 'Section' Symbol (§) in Word Documents
To create the 'section' symbol (§) in Word documents that adhere to the BNC guidelines, follow these steps:
- Create your document with one of the acceptable fonts as defined in the document referenced above titled 'Creating PDF Documents for CM/ECF'.
- Place your cursor where you want the 'section' symbol (§) to display.
- Click on the menu option Insert.
- On the drop-down menu, click on the menu option Symbol.
- On the Symbol screen that displays, click on the Special Characters tab.
- Click on the 'section' symbol (§) in the list of symbols that displays, then click on Insert and Close.
Creating the 'Section' Symbol (§) from Either WordPerfect or Word Documents
Section Break Word
An alternate way to create the 'section' symbol (§), regardless of what word processing software you are using, is listed here:
How To Add Sections In Word
- Create your document with one of the acceptable fonts as defined in the document referenced above titled 'Creating PDF Documents for CM/ECF'.
- Place your cursor where you want the 'section' symbol (§) to display.
- Click on the Microsoft Windows Start button.
- On the drop-down menu, click on the menu option Programs, then Accessories, then System Tools, then Character Map.
- In the Character Map screen that displays, hit the down arrow in the Font section and choose one of the acceptable fonts as defined in the document referenced above titled 'Creating PDF Documents for CM/ECF'.
- Once the font is chosen, find the 'section' symbol (§), double click it, then hit the Copy button.
- Go to the document you are creating and paste the 'section' symbol (§) into the document.